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Nice N CLEAN SmudgeGuard Eyeglass Cleaner, Lens Wipes (100)
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Nice N CLEAN SmudgeGuard Eyeglass Cleaner, Lens Wipes (100)

Product ID: 458502401
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Nice ‘N CLEAN® LENS Wipes with SmudgeGuard™ provide 3 times the cleaning power against dust, smudges and fingerprints for crystal clear views. These pre-moistened wipes are non-scratching and non-streaking with an ammonia-free formula and they are safe to use on glass lens, plastic lens, and anti-reflective coatings. Each wipe is individually wrapped for storage convenience and moisture retention. The wipes will not dry out! EFFECTIVELY REMOVES DUST AND DIRT: New Nice 'N Clean SmudgeGuard™ technology provides 3X the cleaning power to remove dirt, dust and fingerprints from a variety of lenses, such as eyeglasses, camera lenses, sun glasses, and goggles PROTECTS YOUR LENSES: Our pre-moistened lens wipes are non-scratching, non-streaking, and anti-fog. No more annoying streaks, smudges, or finger prints to obscure your view SAFE FOR DELICATE COATINGS: With an ammonia-free formula, the wipes are effective and safe on glass lenses, plastic lenses, and anti-reflective coatings INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED: Each wipe is individually wrapped for on-the-go convenience and moisture retention. The wipes will not dry out! Each packette is small enough for easy storage in a purse, backpack, car console or pocket LENS WIPES IN BULK: In this offer, this is a single pack of lens wipes. The pack includes pre-moistened, individually-wrapped lens wipes

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

2 months ago

Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

1 month ago

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

1 month ago