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VARIETY PACK - Hot Snacks Lays & Ruffles Chips, Crunchy Cheetos, Goldfish Flavors, Doritos Nachos, Fritos, Funyuns & Pringles Stacks - Individual Size Bags - Cheese, Flamin, Cheddar, Ranch and Spicy Flavored (Mini Variety Pack)
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VARIETY PACK - Hot Snacks Lays & Ruffles Chips, Crunchy Cheetos, Goldfish Flavors, Doritos Nachos, Fritos, Funyuns & Pringles Stacks - Individual Size Bags - Cheese, Flamin, Cheddar, Ranch and Spicy Flavored (Mini Variety Pack)

Product ID: 456415910
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Included: 1x Cheetos Crunchy, 1x Cheetos Flammin' Hot, 1x Cheetos Puffs, 1x Doritos Nacho Cheese, 1x Funyuns, 1x Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream, 1x Lays Classic, 1x Lays Barbecue, 1x Fritos Original, 1x Goldfish Flavor Blasted, 1x Goldfish Colors, 1x Pringles Stack Original, 1x Pringles Stack Sour Cream & Onion & 1x Pringles Stack Cheddar Cheese. This variety pack features a variety of delicious snacks to keep you satisfied. This pack contains Lays, Cheetos and Pringles Snack Stacks for a delicious snack on the run. Pack your picnic basket or snack sack with a variety of chips and snacks, including Goldfish, Ruffles and Doritos for a tasty departure from the ordinary. From old favorites like Cheetos and Doritos to new favorites like Funyuns and Fritos, our bulk chips and snacks come in a variety of sizes, flavors and shapes. Enjoy with friends, family or even all on your own! There's something for everyone in this giant box of treats. It includes the classics (Cheetos, Doritos and Lays) along with a variety of snacks. You could easily feed a family party with this pack! We've made it easier for you to satisfy your craving for a tasty snack, with one flavor at a time. These individually-packaged flavors are perfect for carrying in your bag or on the go!

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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