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Ball Jar with Lid and Band - Pick Your Size and Color (Purple, Wide Mouth Quart - 32 oz.)
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Ball Jar with Lid and Band - Pick Your Size and Color (Purple, Wide Mouth Quart - 32 oz.)

Product ID: 18468620
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One hundred years ago, this jar was a vessel. What went inside this ball wide mouth lids and bands was a product of a season of hard work. What came out was a quality freshness that fed a family or nourished soldiers far away. Between 1913 and 1915 the Ball Brothers introduced the "Perfect Mason", the "Perfection", and the "Improved". Even though these colored mason jars were discontinued in the years after World War I, they never went out of use. This collector's series is meant to honor the spirit of building, craftsmanship and innovation of past generations, which built a foundation of values for the future. These Ball Wide Mouth Quart jars represent the hard work, passion, and perseverance that made this country great. They are tangible proof that while hard times may fall, a stronger America will always rise again. The American spirit remains preserved with the American Heritage Collection of jars from the makers of Ball brand Jars. Because what was once made in America is still made in America.

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